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Electrician Module

The Dental Module is a comprehensive solution for efficient dental practice management. It allows users to create and customize clinic profiles with essential details such as address, contact info, and specific appointment slot session times. In the technician setup, dental professionals can be added with their names, images, and customizable availability, including the option to assign specific services, tags, and manage maintenance schedules. The system offers flexibility with customizable time slots, days of operation, and service assignments. A visually intuitive calendar view streamlines appointment and reservation management, providing a user-friendly and feature-rich environment tailored to the unique needs of dental professionals and clinics.

Company Setup

In the "Company Setup" module, users can effortlessly create and manage a company by providing es...

Technician Setup

The "Technician Setup" module allows users to seamlessly create and manage technicians. From basi...

Services Setup

The "Services Setup" module allows users to create and manage services offered by the Company or ...

Tags Setup

The "Tags Setup" module allows users to create and manage tags for various purposes. Users can de...

Extras Setup

The "Extras Setup" module allows users to create and manage additional items (extras) related to ...

Reservations View

The "Reservations View" module provides users with a comprehensive view of both old and new reser...

Calendar View for Reservations

The "Calendar View" module offers users a visual representation of reservations, allowing for eas...