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Extras Settings

The "Extras Setup" module allows users to create and manage additional items (extras). Users can start by creating groups for extras, adding items to those groups, and managing the items' details.

Access "Extras Setup"

Navigate to the "Extras Setup" module to create or manage extras.

Create Extra Groups

Click on "Create Extra Group" to initiate the setup of a new group.

  • Group Name: Provide a name for the group.
  • Active/Deactivate: Choose whether the group is active or deactivated.
  • Required Option: Specify if items in this group are required.
  • Click "Save" to confirm the details of the new extra group.

Add, Edit, or Delete Items in a Group

After creating a group, users can click on the edit button to see a list of items.

  • Click on "Add Item" to add a new item to the group.
  • Provide a name for the item.
  • Specify the cost or amount associated with the item.
  • Users can edit existing items in the group.
  • Modify the item name or amount as needed.